Wellness Centers & Clinics
In an effort to address the needs of our school communities, School Mental Health (SMH) has established clinics and centers throughout the District to provide high quality, direct mental health services to students and families in conveniently located facilities.  
School Mental Health provides prevention, early intervention, and intensive mental health treatment to LAUSD students and families through an integrated network of eight Wellness Centers, six Mental Health Clinics, and multiple school sites. This has been made possible, in part, through a unique interagency contract, the first agreement of its kind in the country, between School Mental Health and the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (DMH). This contract is now in its twenty-sixth year. Services provided through our Clinics and Wellness Center encompass a public mental health approach and are inclusive of our Wellness Intern Program. Clinicians and interns in this program provide individual, family, and group therapy, parenting classes, and classroom-based prevention programs at Clinic and Wellness Centers and their feeder schools.
If you would like to refer a student to a Wellness Center for mental health counseling, please click on the appropriate link below.
School Mental Health Clinic and Wellness Center Locations
Valley School Mental Health Clinic
6651 Balboa Blvd.
Van Nuys, CA 91406
Phone: (818) 758-2300
Fax: (818) 996-9850
Michelle Huber, Specialist
LD South
97th Street Clinic
439 W. 97th St.
Los Angeles, CA 90003
Phone: (323) 754-2856
Fax: (323) 754-1843
Kim Griffin-Esperon, Coordinator
San Pedro School Mental Health Clinic
704 W. 8th St.
San Pedro, CA 90731
Phone: (310) 832-7545
Fax: (310) 833-8580
Suzanne Markey, Specialist
Carson Wellness Center
270 East 223rd St.
Carson, CA 90745
Phone: (310) 847-7216
Fax: (310) 837-7214
Suzanne Markey, Specialist
Locke Wellness Center
316 E. 111th St.
Los Angeles, CA 90061
Phone: (323) 418-1055
Fax: (323) 418-3964
Anna Espinoza Cole, Specialist

LD East
Ramona School Mental Health Clinic
231 South Alma Avenue, Rm 128
Los Angeles, CA 90063
Phone: (323) 266-7615
Fax: (323) 224-3140
Jeffrey King, Specialist
Gage Wellness Center
2880 E. Gage Avenue
Huntington Park,CA 90255
Phone: (323) 826-1520
Fax: (323) 826-1524
Anna Espinoza Cole, Specialist

Elizabeth Wellness Center
4811 Elizabeth Street
Cudahy, CA 90201
Phone: (323) 271-3676
Fax: (323) 271-3657
Anna Espinoza Cole, Specialist
Bell/Cudahy Clinic
7326 S. Wilcox Ave.
Cudahy, CA 90201
Phone: (323) 869-1352
Fax: (323) 869-1353
Anna Espinoza Cole, Specialist

Maywood Center for Enriched Studies (MaCES) Wellness Center
LD West

Washington Prep Wellness Center
1555 W. 110th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90047
Phone: (323)241-1909
Fax: (323) 241-1918
Amber Robison, Specialist

Crenshaw Wellness Center
3206 W. 50th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90043
Phone: (323) 290-7737
Fax: (323) 290-7713
Amber Robison, Specialist
LD Central

Belmont Wellness Center
180 Union Place
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Phone: (213) 241-4455
Fax: (213) 241-4465
Jeffrey King, Specialist

Roybal Learning Center Satellite Clinic
1200 West Colton Street
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Phone: (213) 580-6415
Fax: (213) 241-4465
Jeffrey King, Specialist