About Us

LAUSD School Mental Health (SMH) professionals promote the mental health, well-being, and academic achievement of all LAUSD students.
SMH professionals support positive student connections with peers, family, school, and community by facilitating student development and the ability to successfully deal with problems, crises, or traumatic experiences. Furthermore, SMH professionals foster resiliency - the ability to bounce back from challenges with a stronger sense of self-confidence and coping capacity - by promoting healthy relationships, self-reflection, and problem-solving skills to optimize school success.
Our Approach
Studies over the last 20 years have identified a critical link between exposure to community violence and other Adverse Childhood Experiences with the following:
Lower grade-point average (GPA)
Higher school absenteeism
Increased incidences of suspension and expulsion
Decreased rates of high school graduation
Decreased reading ability
Greater involvement with the criminal system
Fewer stable and longer-term placements in the child welfare system than that of their peers
Furthermore, a single adverse experience or traumatic event can cause anger, mood swings, social withdrawal, concentration and memory difficulties, intrusive thoughts, interrupted sleep and nightmares. All of which impact a student’s ability to function and learn.
LAUSD SMH utilizes an integrated, comprehensive approach that is trauma-informed and multi-tiered that leads to better outcomes for student achievement.
SMH offers a range of mental health services that provide effective treatments and supports to help children, youth and families become better equipped to thrive and live successfully. Services are rendered at schools, clinics, Wellness Centers and through various programs in LAUSD.
LAUSD SMH services are available at no cost to families. SMH is Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health certified to provide mental health services. Clinics and Wellness Centers are staffed by licensed child psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, psychiatric social workers, and clinical psychologists.
Contact Us by Program
Picture of SMH Handout
Main Office/Duty Worker
(213) 241-3841
Clinics and Wellness Centers- Kim Griffin
Crisis Counseling & Intervention Services – Ailleth Tom,Coordinator
School-Based Psychiatric Social Work Program
LD Central: Maria Chua, Coordinator
LD East: Lorena Valencia, Coordinator
LD North East: Martha Marquez, Coordinator
LD North West: Elena Jimenez, Coordinator
LD South: Karen Wallace, Coordinator
LD West: Kezia Miller, Coordinator