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Weist, Mark D., Evans, Steven W., Lever, Nancy A. (2003) Chapter: Stein, Bradely D., Kataoka, Sheryl, Jaycox, Lisa, Steiger, Erika, Wong Marleen, Fink, Arlene, Escudero, Pia & Zaragoza, Catalina. The Mental Health for Immigrant Program, Program Design and Participatory Research in the Real World



Acosta Price, O., Ellis, H., Escudero, P., Huffman-Gottschling, M., Birman, D. (2009). Implementing Trauma Interventions in Schools: Addressing the Immigrant and Refugee Experience. Adolescent Journal of Public Health


Acuña. A. & Escudero, P. (2015). Helping those who come here alone. Phi Delta Kappan, 97, 42-45.


Acuña, M.A., & Martinez, J.I. (in press). Pilot Evaluation of Back to Basics Parenting Training in Urban Schools. School Social Work Journal.


Jaycox, L.H., Stein, B., Kataoka, S., Wong, M., Fink, A., Escudero, P. & Zaragoza, C.  (2002).  Violence exposure, PTSD, and depressive symptoms among recent immigrant school children.  Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 41(9): 1104-1110.


Kataoka, S., Stein, B. D., Jaycox, L. H., Wong, M., Escudero, P., Tu, W., Zaragoza, C. & Fink, A. (2003). Effectiveness of a school-based mental health program for traumatized Latino immigrant children.  Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 42(3):311-318.

Kataoka, S., Vona, P., Acuna, M.A., Jaycox, L., Escudero, P., Rojas, C., Ramirez, E., Langley, A., & Stein, B.D. (in press) Applying a Trauma Informed School Systems Approach: Examples from School Community-Academic Partnerships. Ethnicity & Disease.


Kim, R. E., Becker, K. D., Stephan, S. H., Hakimian, S., Apodaca, D., Escudero, P. V., & Chorpita, B. F. (in press). Connecting Students to Mental Health Care: Pilot Findings from an Engagement Program for School Nurses. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion.

Ngo, V., Langley, A., Kataoka, S.H, Nadeem, E., Escudero, P.,& Stein, B.D.  (2007). Providing Evidence Based Practice to Ethnically Diverse Youth:   Examples from the Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) Program.  Manuscript submitted for publication.


Stein, B., Kataoka, S., Jaycox, L., Wong, M., Fink, A., Escudero, P. & Zaragoza, C.   (2002).   Theoretical basis and program design of a school based mental health intervention for traumatized immigrant children: A collaborative research partnership.   Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 29(3), 318-326.


Vona P, Wilmoth P, Jaycox LH, McMillan JS, Kataoka SH, Wong M, Langley AK, Kaufman J, Tang L, Stein BD. (2014) A Web-Based Platform to Support the Implementation of an Evidence-Based Mental Health Intervention: Lessons from the CBITS Website. Psychiatric Services. 65(11), 1381:1384



Partnering with Parents and Families to Support Immigrant and Refugee Children at School. June 2009. Center for Health and Health Care in Schools.


Helping Immigrant and refugee students succeed: It’s not just what happens in the classroom. Center for Health and Health Care in Schools. November 2009.  Center for Health and Health Care in Schools.


School Violence and Children Exposed to Trauma. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; Serving Children, Families, and Communities. February 2010.


Escudero, P.V., Garst, L.R., Langley, A.K., Nadeem, E., & Wong, M. (2010). Schools. Moving From Evidence to Action: The Safe Start Series on Children Exposed to Violence, Issue Brief #3. North Bethesda, MD: Safe Start Center, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.



I am Los Angeles. Terrance; Washington Preparatory High School.  Official Selection Big Sky Documentary Film Festival. 2015.


Immigration Documentary-LAUSD


DVD – Students and Trauma - Trauma Service Adaptation Center for Schools, NCTSN, 2006.


DVD – Caring Across Communities: A Healthy Future for All Our Children – Center for Health and Health Care in Schools, George Washington University, 2009.

In the News


The Things We Know About School Shooters.  




Mother Jones Magazine feature


Mother Jones Online Special Guatemala Report  




Los Angeles School District Fighting Trauma with Wellness Centers


Supporting Students With Chronic Trauma


The Chronicle of Social Change.  LAUSD’s mental health director describes child trauma as a silent epidemic. March 24, 2016.


La Opinion.  A Clases Otra Vez en El Sur de California. December 23, 2015


EdSource.  Highlighting Strategies for Student Success. Key to coping with school terrorist fears; Keep the adults calm. 


Huffington Post. School May Be the Best Place to Address PTSD in Young People, But Resources Are Spread Thin. May 29,2015.


Los Angeles Daily News.  Social Media lures teens into self-injury, but issue remains in shadows.


San Francisco Chronicle, Jill Tucker: Summit called to address racial disparities in academic performance. (Link Not working)


San Francisco Chronicle, Jill Tucker: Bill would aid young violent-crime witnesses. August 22, 2008


KCET, Life & Times. Report on Urban PTSD, highlighting CBITS and screening students for violence exposure to address PTSD. April 2009.


NPR; Which Way Los Angeles, August 29, 2007. “What do some Los Angeles School Children and Troops in Iran Have in Common” M Wong and P Escudero were interviewed, addressing the impact of trauma in schools, current program available at Belmont High School, and CBITS.


NPR; Which Way Los Angeles, April 30, 2008 – Which Way LA with Warren Olney. 


Leave Me Alone! Aired on ABC May 2006.


The Atlantic.  Students in Detroit Are Suing the State Because They Weren’t Taught to Read



LA Times, Steve Lopez: Yes, gun control. But here's another critical measure to keep us safe


New York Times, Nadine Burke: How Childhood Trauma Can Affect Your Long-Term Health

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