The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has a Crisis Counseling and Intervention Services (CCIS) department that is dedicated to restoring and maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment for students and staff.
What should I do if I am worried about my child harming themselves?​
If you believe that your child is thinking about suicide, approach the situation by asking. Asking is the first step in saving a life and can let them know that you are here for them and will listen. Here are some examples of how you may ask: “Have you thought about suicide?” “Sometimes when people are sad as you are, they think about suicide. Have you ever thought about it?”
For More Information:
Picture of Handout
Self-Injury Awareness Handout for Parents/Caregivers
Picture of Handout
Suicide Awareness Handout for Parents/Caregivers
Picture of Handout
Emergency Hotlines​
Emergency Information/After Hours Services
If you need IMMEDIATE help, call 911.
For a psychiatric emergency, contact the Department of Mental Health 24-hour ACCESS Center at (800) 854-7771